Welcome to Our Parishes

St. Marcus & St. Lawrence Catholic Churches are getting a new website!

Hang tight! The new website will be ready soon!

St. Lawrence Catholic Church


Sunday: 10:00AM

Tuesday: 8:30AM

Reconciliation: After Mass on Sunday

St. Marcus Catholic Church


Saturday: 5:00PM

Sunday: 8:00AM

Monday & Wednesday: 8:30AM

Reconciliation: Saturdays at 4:00PM

Planning For End of Life with Purpose and Peace of Mind


Attend a compassionate and timely Adult Education workshop about End of Life Decisions from a Catholic Perspective. Typical questions about end of life: Must medical treatment always be continued? Are Catholics allowed to have Living Wills? What is Church teaching about “Death with Dignity”? How do I make my Catholic health care directive? Father Joe Backowski will address these questions and others during this workshop on:


All are Invited - St Marcus & St Lawrence

 Monday, March 31, 2025

Location: St. Lawrence Catholic Church

7:00pm at the Parish Hall


Greg Gall, Regional Director of Catholic United Financial, will also be on hand to speak about the financial aspects of end of life decisions, including final expenses, estate plans, charitable giving, power of attorney and more. This workshop is sponsored by Catholic United Financial and Member Advisor Ryan Voeller. To save your seat call 1-800-441-9949 or email workshops@catholicunited.org.




Stations of the Cross Schedule:

March 26th, April 2nd and April 9th at both parishes:

St Marcus at 7:00pm

St Lawrence at 7:30pm


April 16th: NO Stations due to Holy Week


St. Marcus Red Carpet Event Online Silent Auction is now open and LIVE at: https://bid.blackdiamondauctions.com/auction/80

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